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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Mary, mother of Jesus

Mary, mother of Jesus

Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been venerated since early Christianity. According to Christian theology, Mary conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit whilst still a virgin. Both the gospels of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament, and the Quran, describe Mary as a virgin, and as being betrothed to Joseph. Over the centuries she is said to have appeared to many believers. 6 Fascinating facts found in ‘Beliefnet’ Her life was foreshadowed in the Old Testament Virgin Mother of Emmanuel Isaiah ch14 v7 2.She was a woman of great Courage and Character When the angel Gabriel came and told she was to be the mother of God’s son she showed great courage and character Luke ch 1 v38 3.Believed by many to be the greatest of all saints She was chosen and prepared by God to be the mother of his son. 4.She was Instrumental in Jesus’ Life She was there throughout his lifetime -birth to Ascension 5.The true meaning of the Immaculate Conception The Immaculate Conception deals with the conception of Mary herself, not that of her son. A Life of Witness Her life was to witness to the glory of her Son and we can’t help but admire her for that. I have included Bible references, 2 copies of the Magnificat - traditional and modern, information about Jewish betrothal and marriage plus Catholic Mariology I hope these sheets prove useful. Note Mary is mentioned by name on more occasions in the Quran than in the Bible.
The Annunciation of Mary,  25th March

The Annunciation of Mary, 25th March

The Annunciation also referred to as the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Annunciation of Our Lady or Annunciation of the Lady The Annunciation of Mary is when the Archangel Gabriel visits Mary to say that she is going to have a son, who she was to call Jesus. * (See Luke ch. 1 verses 26-38) Mary is surprised because she asks, How can this be I do nor know a man? She is still a virgin who has only recently become betrothed to Joseph. The angel replies with these words The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Gabriel goes on to explain that her cousin Elizabeth, in old age, is going to give birth to a son. (This son is John the Baptist) Mary says Behold the maidservant of the Lord!. Let it be to me according to your word. Gabriel then departed. This is how Mary learned that she was going to give birth to Jesus, the Son of God. Brief information about Mary and the Archangel Gabriel included. Sources The Bible Wikipedia
James the Less  - Who was he?

James the Less - Who was he?

James the Less is a figure of early Christianity,possibly one of the 12 chosen by Jesus. According to translation he is called ’ the minor’, the little’, ‘the lesser’ or ‘the younger’ Jesus chose his 12 apostles Matthew ch10 v 3-10, Mark ch 4 v 13-19 Luke ch 6 v 12-16 *first Simon (also called Peter) then Andrew (Peter’s brother) James (son of Zebedee) John (Jame’s brother) Philip Bartholomew Matthew ( the tax collector) James (son of Alphaeus) Simon ( the zealot) Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him) * We have the ‘sons of Zebedee’ - John and James- he is not that James. This James is recognised as James the Great ( although that designation does not appear in the New Testament) The other James in the 12 is James the son of Alphaeus James is mentioned 3 other times In the Gospels along with the phrase Mary the mother of James. Matthew ch 27 v 56 * Mary (the mother of James and Joseph) Mark ch 15 v 40, Mary (the mother of James the younger and of Joseph) Luke ch 24 v 10 Mary the mother of James At no point is this Mary actually referred to being the mother of Jesus. In Matthew ch 13 v 55 and Mark ch 6 v 3 *he’s just the carpenter’s son, and we know Mary his mother and his brother’s - James, Joseph, Simon and Judas This James is clearly a brother of Jesus. The experts are divided as to whether James the Less was James, son of Alphaeus OR James the brother of Jesus. Jerome concludes that James the Less, James, son of Alphaeus and James the brother of Jesus are one and the same person. Read the thoughts of Jerome, Jacobus de Varagine and Papias of Hierapolis. Modern scholars are divided, Reach your own conclusion
John the Baptist

John the Baptist

John the Baptist was a cousin of Jesus. He baptised Jesus in the River Jordan. All 4 of the gospels look at the life of John the Baptist - notes used from Luke His parents were Zachariah, a priest, his mother was called Elizabeth. Zachariah was chosen to burn incense in the temple. While in the temple the angel Gabriel appears to tell him that, although he and his wife are quite old, they are going to become parents, and he is told the baby is to be called John… He does not believe and is struck dumb and can only communicate by writing on a slate. Luke ch 1 v 5-22 Elizabeth becomes pregnant and the baby kicks for the first time when Mary, the future mother of Jesus, visits her. Luke ch 1 v 39-56 After John is born his parents take the baby to be circumcised. Zachariah picks up the slate to write ‘John’ and his voice is restored. Luke ch 1 v 57-79 We now move forward approximately 30 years. John, dressed in camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist, is baptising people in the River Jordan calling on them to repent of their sins, saying he is the foreunner of the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit. Luke ch 3 v 1-18 Jesus goes to be baptised by John. John reluctantly baptises saying he is unworthy. A dove appears and a voice says You are my son whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke ch 3 v 21/2 John later tells his disciples to follow Jesus, the long awaited Messiah. John speaks out against Herod Antipas’ illegal marriage to Herodias, his brother’s wife and is imprisoned Luke ch 3 v 19-20 Herod holds a party and after seeing. his wife’s daughter Salome dance offers the daughter anything she wants. After speaking with her mother she asks for the head of John on a plate. Reluctantly he agrees, Luke ch 9 v 7-9 I tell you among those born of women, there is no one greater than John. Jesus Luke ch 7 v 27 Sources used The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander The Nativity (Life) of John the Baptist New Living Translation Bible - John the Baptist notes
David Pawson

David Pawson

John David Pawson (1930-2020) was an evangelical minister, writer and prominent Bible teacher based in the U.K. He was not afraid of tackling the controversial topics. All he wanted people to do was to read the Bible for themselves. He was born in the northeast in England. His parents were H. Cecil and Jean Pawson. His father was head of Agriculture at Durham University and Vice President of the Methodist conference. From childhood he had always wanted to be a farmer but by the time he had completed a B.Sc. in Agriculture at Durham University he felt God was calling him into full-time Christian ministry. He studied for an M.A. in theology at Wesley House, Cambridge. On graduating he joined the Royal Air Force as a chaplain and served in Aden When he left the RAF he served as a Methodist minister. He found he was uncomfortable with infant baptism. Following a doctrinal meeting of the Methodist church he volunteered to leave the denomination. Shortly afterwards he became pastor of Gold Hill Baptist church in Buckinghamshire. Later he moved to Guildford Baptist Church, Millmead, which helped design. Here he established a reputation amongst the evangelicals and charismatics as a Bible preacher. He began to create teaching tapes for the church’s sick and elderly members- these tapes became popular world wide. Under his ministry Millmead became one of the largest Baptist churches in the U.K… David left Millmead in 1979 and began an itinerant worldwide Bible teaching ministry. His ministry, predominantly through seminars for church leaders, took him to Asia, Australia, Africa, England, Europe and the USA. MILLIONS of copies of his teachings have been distributed in more than 120 countries. He was a writer and speaker with a reputation for urgency, clarity and uncompromising faithfulness to the Scriptures. he wrote over 80 books. His extensive and accessible overviews of the books of the Bible have been published and recorded in Unlocking the Bible, available on CDs, DVDs and YouTube. Steve Dally worked alongside him during his last ten years. In 2013 he was still preaching at events across the globe. David now in his mid 80’s had a mini stroke and was found to have advanced prostate cancer which had spread to the bones but he fortunately was not in significant pain. As his public appearances became fewer he worked on making his teaching accessible online. David died on Ascension Day, 21st May 2020 aged 90. David is considered to be one of the world’s finest biblical expositors *All he wanted was for people to read the Bible for themselves. Steve Dally Sources used Wikipedia this includes summaries of 10 of his books Christian News Read Not as bad s the truth -David’s autobiography
Adelaide of Italy

Adelaide of Italy

Adelaide of Italy, also known as Adelaide of Burgundy, (931-999) was a Roman Empress by marriage to Emperor Otto the Great. She was crowned with him by Pope John XII on 2nd February 962. She was regent of the Holy Roman Empire as the guardian of her grandson from 1991-995. Adelaide was born in Orbe Castle in modern day Switzerland. She was the daughter of Rudolf II of Burgundy. She became involved in the beginning of the complicated fight to control Burgundy and Lombardy. In the battle between the two areas Berengar I died and Rudolf II became king. When Rudolf 11 died in 937 Hugh of Provence succeeded him. His son Lothair II, the nominal king of Italy, married the 15 year old Adelaide In 947. Adelaide became queen of Western France. In 948 she gave birth to Emma. On 22 November 950 Lothair was poisoned. by his successor Berengar II of Italy. He attempted to cement his power by forcing the widowed Adelaide to marry his son Adalbert. She refused and fled to the castle of Como. She was tracked down and imprisoned at Garda for 4 months. She escaped and was rescued by a priest who probably took her to Canossa Castle near Reggio. While theer she sent an emissary to Otto I, the East Frankish king for his protection. They met at Pavia, the old Lombard capital, and were married on 23rd September 951. Adelaide accompanied her husband on his second expedition to Italy. In Rome, on 2nd February 967, Pope John XII, crowned Otto the Great as Holy Roman Emperor and breaking from tradition Adelaide was named Holy Roman Empress. 4 years later they returned to Rome, with their son 11 year old Otto II, to restore the newly elected Pope John XIII to his throne and to execute some of the Roman rioters who had deposed him. For the next 6 years they stayed in Rome, Otto ruled his German kingdom from there. 967 their son Otto II was crowned co-emperor and married Theophanu, a Byzantine princess, in April 972. This solved the conflict between the 2 Italian empires in southern Italy. They returned to Germany and Otto I died in May 973. Adelaide return to Italy where she had a powerful influence at court. In 978 expelled from court - jealous daughter-in-law to blame. In exile for 5 years. Reconciled to son in 983 before he died. Grandson Otto III now emperor. On death of his mother in 990 Adelaide assumed regency for next 4 years. In 995 he was declared of ‘legal majority’, Adelaide. now in her 60’s, devoted herself exclusively yo her works of charity - foundation and restoration of religious houses - monasteries, churches and abbeys. She retired to a nunnery she had founded in c.991 at Seiz in Alsace, She died at the Seiz Abbey on 16th December 999, She was buried at the abbey and Pope Urban II canonized her in 1097. Adelaide had devoted herself to the service of the church and peace, and to the empire as a guardian of both.
Gregory Thaumaturgus

Gregory Thaumaturgus

Gregory Thaumaturgus (c.213-270), also known as Gregory of Neocaesarea, was a Christian bishop of the 3rd century. He has been canonized as a saint in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Gregory was born around 213 AD into a wealthy pagan family in Neocaesarea (modern Niksar). He was originally known as Theodore ( gift of God). His immemorial title Thaumaturgus, the wonder worker. in Latinized Greek, casts an air of legend about him but the historical references to him permit a fairly detailed reconstruction of his work. He was introduced to the Christian faith at the age of 14, after his father had died. He studied law and traditional Greek and Roman classics. His brother-in-law was appointed legal counsel to the Roman Governor of Palestine. With his brother Athenodorus they acted as an escort to take their sister to Caesarea in Palestine. While there they learned that the celebrated scholar Origen resided there. Curiosity led them to hear and speak with Origen, the head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria. They gave themselves up to the great Christian leader who gradually won them over to Christianity For 7 years he underwent the mental and moral discipline of Origen (231-9).Before leaving Palestine he delivered a public farewell oration to his illustrious master Origen to thank him. Gregory returned to Pontus with the intention of practising law but he was soon consecrated bishop of Neocaesarea by Phoedimus, Bishop of Amasea and metropolitan of Pontus. He was 40 when he became bishop and he ruled his diocese for 13 years. He started with 17 members but under his leadership most of the city of Pontus converted to Christianity. His skills were such that some his flock soon attributed miracles to him - he gained the nickname of The wonder Worker. But during the persecutions ordered by Emperor Decius in 250 many deserted. He also fled into the surrounding mountains with many of his flock. By the time of his death his flock had dwindled back to 17. Gregory was a great and conspicuous lamp, illuminating the church of God Basil concludes Gregory was regarded as another Moses. Basil the Great Sources used Christianity Today Wikipedia Brief note included about Origen
Saint Aldhelm, Feast day May 25th

Saint Aldhelm, Feast day May 25th

Saint Aldhelm (c.639-7090 was Abbot of Malmesbury Abbey, Bishop of Sherborne, a writer and scholar of Latin Poetry. He is said to have been the son of Kenten, who was of the royal house of Wessex. Aldhelm was educated by an Irish hermit called Maildulf (also known as Maemaidub, Maidubh and Meldun), who had a small school near what is now Maimesbury (which was named after him). He remained with him for many years. In 668 Pope Vitalian sent Theodore of Tarsus to be Archbishop of Canterbury. At the same time Hadrian, the North African scholar, became abbot of St. Augustine’s at Canterbury. Aldhelm, now aged about 30, went to Canterbury. There his studies included Roman law, astronomy, astrology, the art of reckoning and the difficulties of the calendar. He learned Latin and Greek, plus possibly Hebrew. He used Latinized Greek words in his works on poetry and prose. Due to ill health he left Canterbury and returned to Malmesbury Abbey where he was a monk under Maildulf for 14 years, dating probably from 661. It was a small community that had grown from Maildulf 's pupils On the death of Maildulf he was appointed as the first abbot of Malmesbury.He introduced Benedictine rule and secured the right of the election of the abbot to the monks he founded 2 other monasteries - Frome in Somerset and Bradford on Avon in Wiltshire. He also built a new church at Malmesbury and obtained grants of land for the monastery. He was the abbot there for 35 years He was a learned man and also a poet, It is said if his hearers would not listen to his sermons he would sing his own songs to them. There is a story that his sermon at Bishopstrow in Wiltshire was so long that his staff, which he stuck into the ground when he began, had ash buds on it at the end! His fame as a scholar spread to other countries. Artwil, the son of an Irish king, submitted his writings for Aldhelm’s approval As far as we know he was the first Anglo Saxon to write in Latin verse. ( For more detail go to Wikipedia entry) HIs fame reached Rome. He was successfully involved in solving the controversy of the dating of Easter. He reluctantly became the first bishop of Sherborne when the huge diocese of West Sussex was divided into Winchester and Sherborne. The monks at the abbey did not want to lose him so he was both abbot and bishop. His territory stretched right to Land’s End, Aldhelm was now in his mid 60s but he was very active as a bishop. He built the cathedral church at Sherborne. He was known to sing hymns and passages from the Gospels, interspersed with entertaining tales, in public places, so he might draw attention from the crowds and then preach to them. He is known as the Apostle of Wessex. He died on 25 May, 709 five years after he had become bishop. He was buried in the church of St. Michael at Malmesbury Abbey. HIs friend, St. Egwin, Bishop of Worcester, set up crosses at Aldhelm’s various stopping places. His feast, on May 25th, is in the Sarum Missal.
Mary Moffat Livingstone (1821-1862)

Mary Moffat Livingstone (1821-1862)

Mary Moffat Livingstone was the wife of David Livingstone the missionary and explorer. In the history books she has been forgotten They said he had three wives - the river Nile,the struggle against slavery and religion. In the article in the Daily Mail Mrs Livingstone i Presume written by Jane Fryer she looks at the life of his real wife. She was strong, educated, fearless and spoke 6 African languages. She was the daughter of missionaries and was renowned in South Africa. . It was Mary who opened doors in remote parts of Africa for her singularly driven husband with her languages and connections. Tribal leaders would insist on addressing her first. Together they crossed the Kalshari desert surviving on biscuit and beans. They survived an entire week without water. She endured appalling hardship, long separations, a sporadic paralysis caused by a post natal stroke after her fourth child Elizabeth was born in the bush and the final battle aged 41 with malaria. Mary and David met when he was recovering from being bitten by a lion. Within weeks his life long vow to marry ‘went up in smoke’. They married in 1845. In 7 years they built their own house, created 3 mission stations from scratch and weathered 2 years of drought. In 1849, with 3 children and Mary pregnant they started a 1,500 mile trek across the Kalahari desert. Read the full article by Jane Fryer. Visit in July (2021) the revamped (9.1 million) David Livingstone museum In Lanarkshire where finally Mary’s contribution will finally be given due credit They obviously loved each other. He just loved exploration and adventure a bit more. Sources Daily Mail Wikipedia
William Kumuyi, founder of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry

William Kumuyi, founder of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry

William Flororunso Kumuyi ( born 6th June 1941) is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry situated at Kilometre 42 on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria. He is the author of 10 Christian books and devotionals ( See books published). William was brought up in a Christian family in Orunwa, Ogun State, western part of Nigeria. As a young child he read the Bible and sang songs and attended church regularly. In secondary school the principal taught atheism but he eventually started to go to various churches in town. William began teaching mathematics in 1962 at Mayflower School. He became a born again Christian on 5th April 1964. In 1967 he graduated from the University of Ibadanand as the best overall best graduating student in his year, with a first class degree in Mathematics. he also took a post graduate course in Education at the University of Lagos. In the 1970s he became a lecturer of Mathematics at the University of Lagos. In 1973 he started a Bible study group with 15 Lagos university students. By the early 1980’s that small group had grown to several 1000. This training became the foundation of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry. Deeper Life Bible Church was formerly established in 1982. By 1988 the congregation had grown to 50,000 By 2005 the Christian ministry is said to have over 800, 000 affiliates September 2016 William addressed over 50,000 youths *to inculcate in them the highest virtues in youths and stay away from antisocial and push-pull tendencies. On 24th of April 2018 the auditorium, holding 30,000 worshippers, at the church in Gbagade, Lagos was inaugurated. Yemi Osinbajo, Vice President of Nigeria, attended the . In 2013 the Foreign Policy magazine listed William *among the 500 most powerful people on the planet. Source use Wikipedia *
Asian Christian Women (10)

Asian Christian Women (10)

I came across information about 10 Asian Christian Women during my research. I have set them up in alphabetically order and found extra information on 8 of them. Angie Hong - a Korean-American worship leader, speaker and writer. Dr Grace Ji-Sun Kim - a Korean American theologian and professor - best known for her work on the social and religious experiences of Korean women immigrants in N. America. Dr. Havilah Dharamraj - she is passionate about South Asian Christian leaders to understand the Word of God within the Asian context. HeeSun Lee is a Christian hip hop artist. She is vocal about her faith and uses her singles and albums to not only talk about Jesus but elevate her diverse experiences as a bicultural Korean American Christian Hosanna Wong - she has a unique storytelling voice in which she explores faith and identity through first hand experiences of lose, hope and redemption. Dr. Jayachitra Lalitha- she is an ordained minister of the Church of South India, She holds a number of roles at Tamilnadu Theological Seminary - associate professor, dean of the women’s studies dept. and coordinator of the women’s centre. Plus co-chair and coeditor of 2 organizations Dr Sydney Park - she is Associate professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School. Her courses and writings emphasis the need for reconciliation and justice initiatives, both within the church and society at large Sherrene DeLong- she is an Indian American doctoral student - she challenges what cultures are considered normal and the way in which American evangelism can become more open to eastern values like open -door hospitality. Tara VanderWounde - is a nationwide speaker at conferences and is passionate about equipping parents for experiences and conversations their children encounter. Vivian Mabuni - is a Chinese American author, speaker ans cancer survivor. She is passionate about raising up up the next generation of Asian American leaders. She is the founder of SIH -* Someday is Here Podcast. a place where Asian American women can explore their heritage. Ten Asian Christian women determined to forward the Christian Gospel.
Bakht Singh Chabra (1903-2000)

Bakht Singh Chabra (1903-2000)

Bakht Singh Chabra , also known as Brother Bahkt Singh, was India’s foremost Christian evangelistic preacher and indigenous church planter. He founded and established the Hebron Ministries in India. This world wide indigenous church planting movement grew to more than 10, 000 local churches. According to Indian traditions he is known as ‘Elijah of the 21st century’ in Christendom. He was born into a religious Sikh family in the village of Joiya. He studied at a Christian missionary school in India but Bakht at some stage ripped a Bible to pieces. His parents were against him coming to England in 1926 to study Agricultural Engineering because they feared he would influenced by Christians. He promised he would not convert. In 1929 he went to the University of Manitoba in Canada. He was befriend by 2 devout Christians -John and Edith Hayward. 4th February 1932 baptized in Vancouver, British Columbia In 1933 returned to India having told his parents by letter of his conversion. Asked to keep it a secret he refused - they left him - he was homeless. He started to preach in the streets of Bombay. He became a fiery itinerant preacher and revivalist gaining a large following throughout colonial India. He was initially Anglican but became independent. In 1937 the revival that swept through the Martinbur United Presbyterian church was one of the most notable movements in the history of the church of India. ( Jonathan Bonk in 1998 declared). He started local assemblies based on New Testament principles after spending a night in prayer on a mountain top at Pallavaram, Chennai in 1941. He held his first ‘Holy Convocation’ in Madras in 1941. These were held annually in Madras, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Kalimpong. Participants,in their 1000s, would eat and sleep in huge tents and meet under a large thatched pandal for hours long prayer, praise and teaching meetings that began at dawn and ended late at night. The care and feeding of guests was handled by volunteers. Expenses were given by voluntary offerings, no appeal was issued. Read the 6 testimonies. 250,000 attended his funeral in Narayanguda’s Christian cemetery.
British Pakistani Christian Association

British Pakistani Christian Association

BPCA celebrated its 50 years in November 2019 (1969-2019). Prior to 1967 the Chowdhry brothers- Mujeeb, Najeeb and Waheed had started a home church. The services at St. Mary’s were originally led by lay preacher Akhter Samuel The pioneering Pak-Christian Church at St. Mary’s, London proliferated across the UK through traceable oral-history links. In 1994 the church moved to a new premise. Many of the BPCA leaders who attended the event were asked to speak and present trophies to the leading dignitaries within the Pakistani Christian community- see list. The Revd. Daniel Singh, the first ordained Church of England Asian minister, who galvanised the church, was posthumously awarded a trophy for ‘Outstanding leadership for Pakistani Christians in the UK’. (In 1978 the Rt. Revd Trevor Huddleston, Bishop of Stepney, had paid for Singh to attend Oak Hill College.) The award was collected by Dishad, his son-in-law. Two of the leaders present were Michael Nazir-Ali a former Anglican bishop and James Shera MBE , former mayor of Rugby. (See notes) Some thing separate, but interesting, I found an article about the voices of foreign language speakers and multilingual congregations in the Church of England * Everytime I think I’ve forgotten I thin I’ve lost the mother tongue, it blossoms out of my mouth Sujata Bhatt Sources used Evangelicals now Church Times
God's different names used in the Bible

God's different names used in the Bible

There are many articles written about the Hebrew word ‘Yahweh/Jehovah’ which in English translates into LORD. I have chosen 3 ( one twice). I found the article by Danielle Bernock particularly interesting. I have repeated the first double page in bolder print .She includes Biblical references. She looks at many of the other words which can be related to God in the scriptures and obviously includes Jesus who is given various wonderful names in both the O.T. and N.T… There are 6-9 definitions for Yahweh/Jehovah . The second set showing 16 names includes pronunciation. . The third set gives both pronunciation plus Biblical verses and references. I hope these prove useful. Source Wikipedia
Geoffrey Cyril Bingham

Geoffrey Cyril Bingham

Geoffrey Cyril Bingham (1919-2009) was an Australian author and cleric in the Anglican Church of Australia. He was founding principal of the Pakistan Bible Training Institute in Hyderabad, Pakistan (1957-67). He was also one of the founding members of the Austri-Asian Christian Church (AACC). From 1967-73 he was principal of the Bible College of South Australia after which he formed New Creation Publications. He was a gifted writer and NTCM published close to 300 of his books- they were mostly theological.
Charles Stewart Thompson

Charles Stewart Thompson

Dr. Charles Stewart Thompson (1851-1900 was the first medical missionary to Kherwara Chhaoniin Rajputana, the Bhils region of Central India. His schools, famine relief centres and medical service transformed care in the region. He was accepted as a missionary by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) and in June 1880 he was ordained a deacon, in October ordained as a priest He was a doctor, reverend, translator and philanthropist who worked to treat cholera. leprosy, the Bubonic plague, ophthalmia, malaria rheumatism and fever. It took him nearly 10 years to achieve his first convert. It was said that many of his Bhil students were Christian at heart but none had the courage to be baptized for fear of social ostracism. On 15th December 1889 Sukha Damor, his wife and their 4 children were baptized. Others followed. He eventually pioneered Christianity in 7 districts. In 1896, after 15 years, he took a furlough. He had established primary schools, dispensaries, relief centres and orphanages. He had also translated and published the Gospel, the first grammar and vocabulary book and a prayer book into the Bhili language. While in the UK he desperately attempted to persuade the CMS to send more doctors and nurses. In 1899 he heard about the terrible Chappania Famine afflicting the Bhil region. and returned to India. The men had fled leaving only women and children who were starving. He took matters into his own hands -he set up 7 relief centres - feeding 700 Bhili children and some adults. He set up an orphanage. By April 1900 he had opened 15 relief centres and was feeding 5,500 children, twice daily who would have been either dead or starving. In May 1900 he fell ill with cholera. The Bhil people tried to get him European Aid. He died on May 19th at noon, under a tree. On his death he became a source of inspiration. He was acclaimed as the founding father who had laid down his life for the salvation of the Bhil. Many volunteers came forward to help with the Bhil mission. In Kherwara there is school named in his memory - The Thompson Memorial School. Charles spent nearly 20 years living, working, and ultimately dedicating his life to the plight of the Bhils.
Samuel Marsden

Samuel Marsden

Samuel Marsden (1765-1838) was an English born priest of the C.of E. who went to Australia to work in the Colony of New South Wales. He was prominent member of the Church Missionary Society (CMS) It is believed he introduced Christianity to New Zealand. He was a prominent figure in early New South Wales Australian History. !. through his ecclesiastical offices as the colony’s senior C.of E. cleric, 2. as a pioneer of the Australian wool industry 3. employment of convicts for farming 4. his actions as a magistrate at Parramatta- named as ‘Flogging parson’ When he moved to New Zealand he developed a gentler reputation.
Henry Martyn   (Lesser Festival - 19th October)

Henry Martyn (Lesser Festival - 19th October)

Henry Martyn (1781-1812) was an Anglican priest and missionary to the peoples of India and Persia. He was ordained as a priest in C. of E. and became a chaplain for the East India Company (EIC). He arrived in India in April 1806 where he preached and occupied himself with linguistics. He translated the whole of the N.T. into Urdu, Persian and Judaeo-Persic He translated the Psalms into Persian and the Book of Common Prayer into Urdu. He was seized with fever in Tokat in the Ottoman Empire. On October 16th he died. Henry is remembered for his courage, selflessness and his religious devotion.
Francis Le Jau

Francis Le Jau

Francis Le Jau (1665-1717) was a missionary to South Carolina (1706-17)with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG). He was a Frenchman from the La Rochelle region of France. He fled to the UK during the persecution of Huguenots after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. He converted to Anglicanism and eventually graduated from Trinity College Dublin. In 1700 he moved to St. Christopher’s island for 18 months. From 1706 until his death in 1717 Francis served as a missionary to South Carolina based in Goose Creek. He was a dedicated missionary but he compromised with slave owners. The slave’s baptismal vow read You declare in the presence of God and before this congregation that you do not ask for baptism out of any design to free yourself from the Duty and Obedience you owe to your master while you live, but merely for the good of your soul and to partake of the Grace and the Blessing promised to the members of the church of Jesus Christ. They were still slaves to their earthly masters.
William Duncan (missionary)

William Duncan (missionary)

William Duncan (1832-1918) was an English born Anglican Missionary who founded the Tsimshian Communities of Metlakatla, British Columbia,in Canada and the Metlakatia, Alaska in the USA. In 1854 he joined the Church Missionary Society (CMS)and in 1856 he was sent to the North Pacific coast of Canada. He began to work with the Tsimshian community and learned their language. He Initially led 60 Tsimshians to found a new utopian Christian community, Matlakatla. He exerted his own brand of low church Anglicanism in the community. He created his 16 rules (See list)- communion was deliberately omitted. The community grew and was successful. Economic self-sufficiency was a core tent of Duncan’s vision. He split from the C.of E.on doctrinal differences and the CMS expelled him in 1881. He transformed his mission into a non-denominational ‘Independent Native Church’ which was quite evangelical and under the strict doctrinal control of William himself… With the government’s permission he established a second utopian community on Annette island, Alaska - which became an Indian reservation. In 1887 he led approximately 800 Tsimshians in a canoe voyage from ‘Old’ Metlakatla to’New’ Metakatla, Alaska. William died aged 86, he was with the Tsimshian community for over 60 years. He was often referred to as ‘Father Duncan’ but he was never ordained. He remains an extraordinarily controversial figure in Tsimshian communities today. Source Wikipedia